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Return to Safe Movement in ED

​Please contact me about availability. I am currently full on evening sessions but do have some daytime openings. 


Return to movement coaching is geared towards the individual who has a negative connection to

exercise, movement and body due to a current or previous history of an eating disorder. 


Why work with a Medical Exercise Specialist?

 Check out my Canva slide presentation on this topic using the link here. 

Principles of Safe Exercise at Every Stage

We follow the SEES guidelines developed by an international team of ED professionals.

3. Holistic

We take a multi-pronged approach by looking at not only the physical but also the socio-emotional aspects of exercise participation.

1. Non-Abstinence

Abstinence does not educate. We are all about learning and helping you build skills around helpful and life-enhancing movement.

4. Mindful &

Intuitive Movement

Decreasing dysfunctional aspects of exercise by teaching you skills to tune-in to your body's needs while building body trust. Approaching movement with purpose and awareness.

2. Safe & Healthful

We keep your individual movement plan safe by assessing for risk level at each appointment. 

5. Collaborative

Communicating with you, your healthcare team and any family you'd like for us to. Increased positive outcomes are seen when this approach is used.

1. Free Consultation


Let's chat! We'll discuss your exercise history and needs along with where you are in recovery. I'll share about what coaching looks like and how I can help!


Then, you can purchase and sign-up for a session(s) offered in-person or virtually. 

3. Follow-Up Sessions


Coaching appointments focus on:

ASSESS for changes in signs and symptoms, compulsivity and/or dependence. 

BACKGROUND review of current movement plan and need for step-up or step-down depending on risk category. 

CONNECT to your movement "why" and ensure your movement is connected (to self, others or nature).

DEVELOP and update the plan of care per SEES including check-in frequency. Develop a plan for potential triggers. 

EDUCATE: Complete at-home movement learning experiences using resources provided by your coach.

2. Initial Appointment


ASSESS for compulsivity in exercise and exercise dependence as well as risk category.​

BACKGROUND review including eating disorder history, current signs and symptoms, health history, treatment goals, etc. 

CONNECT to who you are and where you are now. 

DEVELOP a plan of care that allows for safe movement in line with SEES guidelines. 

4. Updates Sent to Healthcare Team


With your permission, I will send updates to your healthcare team on a monthly or as-needed basis as long as your are a client. 

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